New Brunswick Minimum Wage History Per Hour 2024:Overtime Work & Reporting Details

On April 1, 2023, the general Minimum Wage in New Brunswick rose from $13.75 per hour to $14.75 per hour because of the rise in the Minimum Wage. It is a piece of good news for the workers who work on an hourly basis and earn the Minimum Wage that the authorities increase the Minimum Wage window every year.

This is because the Minimum Wage window is raised. The purpose of this page is to provide you with comprehensive information on the Minimum Wage in New Brunswick, including its history, tax rates, deductions, rules and exceptions, and increases.

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New Brunswick Minimum Wage History Per Hour 2024

Between April 1, 2023, and April 1, 2023, the Minimum Wage in New Brunswick increased to $14.75 per hour. Every year, beginning in the first week of April, the Minimum Wage has been steadily rising since the year 2016. In the following table, you will find a record of the seven most recent Minimum Wages. This record will allow you to get an understanding of the range of increases that the authorities have utiliSed to raise wages.

  • 1 April 2023: $14.75
  • 1 October 2022: $13.75
  • 1 April 2022: $12.75
  • 1 April 2021: $11.75
  • 1 April 2020: $11.70
  • 1 April 2019: $11.50
  • 1 April 2018: $11.25

Saskatchewan Minimum Wage

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Regulations and Exceptions Regarding the Minimum Wage in New Brunswick

It is expected that every firm, regardless of location, would pay their workers at least the Minimum Wage on an hourly basis. That is the expectation. Workers who are paid on a salary basis, workers who earn gratuities, and piece workers, also known as workers who are paid according to the amount of labour they perform, are all included in this category.

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A unique minimum pay rate has been established for some workers who do not come under the usual Minimum Wage laws. These employees include those who work at residential summer camps, counsellors, and government personnel who are employed in construction work. All of these employees are eligible for this special Minimum Wage rate.

New Brunswick Minimum Wage

Considering that these individuals do not have any set working hours, the primary reason why they are not considered to fall within the category of Minimum Wage workers is because of this. It should come as no surprise that their working hours change depending on the duties they are responsible for. Consequently, these workers can be regarded as certain exceptions to the laws that the province has in place.

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Compensation for Overtime Work

There are instances when companies need their employees to put in longer hours, but it is still vital and fair to reward them with overtime compensation rates to acknowledge the additional efforts that they have put in.

Overtime pay is always higher than the normal payment, and in this particular scenario, the minimum overtime compensation is equal to 1.5 times the usual minimum salary. Overtime money is always paid in conjunction with regular pay. As of the first of April 2023, the rates of the Minimum Wage have been raised, which results in an hourly salary of $22.13 for overtime services.

The Minimum Wage for reporting details

If an employer requests an employee to report to work, the employer is compelled to pay the employee in one of the following ways:

  • If the Minimum Wage rate or the minimum overtime rate is greater, payment will be made for a minimum of three hours of work being performed.
  • You will get payment for all of the hours that you worked at the employee’s normal wage.

Those workers who are qualified for the minimum reporting pay are those who work shifts that are either intermittent or continuous and that continue for a minimum of three hours in a row.

Compensation for Holidays

According to the laws that the federal government of New Brunswick set, workers are not required to work on eight public holidays, and they are compensated for their time off. Because of these holidays, employers are not permitted to deduct any payment. If workers are required to attend work on holidays, they are entitled to receive pay that is 1.5 times more than the Minimum Wage that they are normally given.

For workers to be eligible for holiday compensation, they need to:

  • On the day that is open to the public, get permission to work.
  • The employer must have employed the employee for at least ninety days previous to the holiday.
  • They have finished their usual shifts either before or after the holiday event.

In addition to receiving regular compensation, employees who are competent and ready to work on off days are entitled to get 1.5 times their usual Minimum Wage on an hourly basis. This is in addition to the regular salary they receive.

If an employee is eligible to work on days off but chooses not to do so, they are required to be paid the Minimum Wage that is applicable for that particular day.

Regarding the Minimum Wage, the Tax Rate in New Brunswick

The personal credit amounts, the tax brackets of New Brunswick, and the federal amounts all increased by 6.3 per cent in 2023, which corresponds to an index factor of 1.063. Individuals’ tax brackets have an effect on the rate of their income.

New Brunswick’s Personal Income Tax Slab and Rates

Tax BracketNew Brunswick Tax Rates
First $47,7159.40%
Over $47,715 up to $95,43114.00%
Over $95,431 up to $176,75616.00%
Over $176,75619.50%

Rates’ details of Taxation and the Federal Tax Slab

It is necessary to pay federal taxes in addition to the tax rates that are applicable in New Brunswick. Please have a look at the tabular representation that is found below:

$2120 OAS Extra Per Month Payments

$1325 Increase in CPP Payments 

CPP For Every Eligible Seniors

CPP Increase Per Month For Seniors

Tax BracketFederal Tax Rates
First $53,35915%
Over $53,359 up to $106,71720.50%
Over $106,717 up to $165,43026%
Over $165,430 up to $235,67529%
Over $235,67533%

Deductions related to the New Brunswick Minimum Wage

If you are registered in the New Brunswick employment list, you are eligible to receive the following deductions from your paycheck:

  • Compensation in the workplace
  • Theresa. The Pension Plan
  • Employees’ Compensation Insurance
  • Federal and Provincial Income Taxes

The province of New Brunswick Increases to the Minimum Wage

The Minimum Wage is subject to a yearly review and change that is determined by the Consumer Price Index in every province, including New Brunswick.

As of the first of April in the year 2023, the regular Minimum Wage, as well as the student Minimum Wage in the province of New Brunswick, rose by one dollar, reaching a total of $14.75 per hour.

Standard Minimum Wage in Canada

The following table provides information on the current Minimum Wage in several provinces throughout the country of Canada.

Home Page
ProvinceMinimum Wage Rate
Alberta$15.00 for general workers; $13.00 for students under 18 (less than 28 hrs/week when school is in session)
British Columbia$16.75 for general workers; $16.75 for liquor servers
Ontario$16.55 for general workers; $15.60 for students under 18 (less than 28 hrs/week)
New Brunswick$14.75
Nova Scotia$15.00
Prince Edward Island$15.00
Newfoundland & Labrador$15.00
Northwest Territories$16.05

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