Verizon Class Action Lawsuit 2024: Check Eligibility Criteria & Payment Settlement Dates

It has been decided that the Verizon Class Action Lawsuit 2024 will be settled for the sum of one hundred million dollars. It is the responsibility of the corporation to manage the wireless network and to offer it to clients at more affordable prices. 

Currently, the lawsuit asserts that the residents have been influenced by marketing in which the price is substantially lower than the actual cost of the product or service. Concerns have been raised regarding the misleading advertisements, and it has been reported that the settlement will be for a sum of one hundred million dollars; however, the precise date of the settlement has not been disclosed as of yet. 

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To be eligible for the settlement sum, those individuals who have completed the paperwork up until April 2024 will be considered. You need to read the entire post till the very conclusion to obtain any additional information regarding the Verizon Settlement Payment Date 2024.

Verizon Class Action Lawsuit 2024

In the state of New Jersey, there is a company known as Verizon that offers wireless services to the residents of the state. Additionally, Verizon has been offering its consumers services at affordable rates. 

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In a recent litigation that has been brought to light, it was discovered that there were practices of deceptive advertising. A complaint was filed alleging that misleading advertising techniques were used to promote the services of a wireless network. 

The lawsuit stated that the advertised pricing was not the same as the actual rate that was being offered. The fact that they have been experiencing difficulties as a result of the increased prices and the additional amount that is paid to the customers every month has caused the customers’ feelings to decrease. 

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Additional charges of one dollar have been added to the wireless services package in addition to the base rate that was already included.

One must submit the settlement form by April 2024 to obtain the Verizon Class Action case Settlement Amount 2024. The case that the consumers of Verizon have filed against the corporation has resulted in a settlement for the amount of one hundred million dollars. 

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As a result of the consumers being charged an additional rate in addition to the standard amount, a legal conflict has arisen, and the customers are currently waiting for the date on which the litigation will be settled. 

Class action lawsuit eligibility will be determined by the individuals who have been charged between the dates of January 1, 2016, and November 8, 2023. It has not yet been disclosed when exactly you will receive the settlement; however, it is anticipated that this information will be made available to you within the next few months. 

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You are required to read the entire post that is provided below to obtain the latest information regarding the case and the specifics of the settlement.

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Overview of Verizon Class Action Lawsuit 2024

Article Title Verizon Class Action Lawsuit 2024
Agency Name Verizon 
Country USA
State New Jersey 
Lawsuit Extra charges are provided to the customers 
Who is eligible Ones who have been charged rates from 1 January 2016 and 8 November 2023
Verizon Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Amount 2024$100 million 
Form date April 2024
Verizon Settlement Payment Date 2024To be announced 
Post typeFinance

Concerning what exactly is the Verizon Class Action Lawsuit 2024?

Verizon Class Action Lawsuit
  • According to the lawsuit, Verizon has been providing its clients with wireless services, and the lawsuit alleged that the customers were presented with lesser costs in the advertisements than the actual amount that they were charged.
  • People living in the state of New Jersey have been subjected to defamation, which has resulted in them having to pay a higher amount than what was said in the advertisement.
  • To better serve its customers, Verizon has implemented additional fees that are commonly referred to as administrative costs.
  • The exorbitant prices have resulted in a legal conflict, which is believed to have resulted in a settlement that is provided for the amount of one hundred million dollars.
  • Those individuals who are eligible to receive the settlement money will be the only ones to get it, as determined by the court, and the date will be published very shortly.

Eligibility required for participation

  • The clients will be those who regularly use the postpaid services offered by Verizon.
  • Those individuals who have been charged between the dates of January 1, 2016, and November 8, 2023, will be eligible for the beneficial arrangement. 
  • The administrative or recovery costs have been charged either to the customers or to the business.
  • Extra fees have been added to the plans according to the customers’ requests.

In the year 2024, what is the total amount of the class action settlement for Verizon?

For the reason that the consumers have been charged with the additional amount and have been charged higher in comparison to the rates that were indicated, it has been reported that a lawsuit has been filed, and the amount that has been agreed upon as a settlement is one hundred million dollars. In addition, you need to wait till the time that you receive the payment amount.

When is the payment date for the Verizon settlement scheduled for 2024?

The date on which the compensation money will be made has not yet been disclosed; however, it is possible to state that you will first be required to fill out the settlement claim form.

Individuals who have completed the form up until the 5th of April 2024 will be eligible to receive the settlement amount, and it is anticipated that the benefit will be paid out by August 2024.

How Do I File a Claim for a Class Action against Verizon?

You have the option of submitting the claim either electronically or by using the standard claim form. To submit the electronic claim, you will need to use the confirmation code and the ID that was supplied to you via email.

To submit your claim by standard mail, you will need to print the claim form, fill out the details, and then send it to the address that has been provided.

Quantity of the Settlement

However, the actual amount that was received was contingent upon two variables, and the Verizon Class Action Settlement gave a potential payout that was capped at $100 per qualifying client.

  • The base payment consisted of a flat $15 awarded to every individual who made a legitimate claim.
  • An additional one dollar was granted for each month that a client was charged the challenged administrative fee, up to a maximum of eighty-five dollars. This was the monthly service bonus.

All of the authorized shares received a portion of the overall settlement sum, which was one hundred million dollars. 

On the other hand, the individual portion would be reduced if a large number of customers engaged. A customer’s monthly service bonus can increase in proportion to the length of time that they are charged administrative fees, with a maximum of $85.

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Final thoughts

According to the allegations made in the Verizon Class Action Lawsuit, which was filed in New Jersey, consumers of Verizon in the United States were subject to certain wireless service plans that imposed higher monthly prices than the display advertisement that was included in their monthly bills.

The case likely relied on laws protecting consumers and regulations governing advertising. Legislation such as the Federal Trade Commission Act makes it illegal to engage in advertising that is dishonest or misleading. 

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The idea of major omissions may have been tainted as a result of the argument. Even if Verizon did not intentionally lie, the company may still be considered dishonest if it failed to remember important information and influenced the choices that customers made.

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