CRA Releases New OAS Dual $1300+$250 Extra Payment June 2024: Know Eligibility Criteria & Deposit Dates

A new OAS Dual $1300+$250 Extra Payment has been released by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for all eligible residents to assist with paying for living expenses in the face of rising inflation rates in the nation. Participants in the program include senior adults who are overage to work and who have difficulty fulfilling their needs owing to a low income and increased costs. The program is beneficial to these individuals. As is common knowledge, for people to be eligible to receive these benefits straight into their bank accounts, they must first evaluate the qualifying conditions.

With the Old Age Security (OAS) program, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has announced the release of a new OAS Dual $1300+$250 Extra Payment for senior citizens. Citizens of the United States who are unable to satisfy their criteria are eligible to receive benefits via the Old Age Security payment, which the government established. Those Canadians who are now receiving benefits from Old Age Security are required to examine their eligibility for the New OAS Dual payment to determine whether or not they are eligible to receive this benefit.

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CRA Releases New OAS Dual $1300+$250 Extra Payment June 2024

As is common knowledge, abrupt shifts in the economy are causing Canada to experience a swift turnaround in terms of both the rate of inflation and the pace of cost increases. As a result of this rise, the condition of residents with low incomes grew even more dire,

and they were forced to contend with difficulties in meeting their financial obligations. In a similar vein, older individuals who are unable to work owing to their age are compelled to live in an insecure living environment, which ultimately leads to poverty and famine.

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Overview of CRA Releases New OAS Dual $1300+$250 Extra Payment 2024

OrganizationCanada Revenue Agency (CRA)
PaymentJune 2024
CategoryGovernment Aid
Official Website

$1,300 + $250 payment total Complete Program Details

To assist the people of Canada, the Canada Revenue Agency collaborates with the federal government of the nation to provide the OAS Dual $1300+$250 Extra Payment. Therefore, residents who are already receiving benefits from Old Age Security will be immediately eligible for this amount, which will be deemed an increase in the pension that they get from Old Age Security.

There is a possibility that the quantity of money will not be much larger; nonetheless, it will provide them stability and support to allow them to have the necessary amenities that are essential for life. The authorities have not yet provided any clarification about the OAS Dual $1300+$250 Extra Payment that will be provided to those who are beneficiaries of the OAS program that is now in effect.

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OAS Dual Eligibility Criteria 

To be eligible for the OAS Dual $1300+$250 Extra Payment, Canadian nationals who are interested in collecting its benefits need to strictly adhere to the qualifying standards. The Canada Revenue Agency has taken measures to guarantee that the payment would only be distributed to senior citizens who have been impacted, who are in need, and who are at least 65 years old.

OAS Dual $1300+$250 Extra Payment

Therefore, the following is a list of the eligibility standards that citizens are required to adhere to stringently:

  • A permanent resident of Canada is required of citizens who meet the requirements.
  • Applicants must have been residing in Canada for ten years, beginning at the age of eighteen years old.
  • There is a minimum age requirement of 65 years or older for Canadians to be eligible for payment.
  • At the age of 18, individuals who are not Canadian citizens are required to have resided in the country for a minimum of twenty years.
  • Outsiders are required to obtain valid permission to work and reside in Canada.
  • Within six months of finishing their job, Canadians who are working outside the nation are required to return to the country.
  • Candidates who have reached the age of 65 and are still employed are required to have a domicile in Canada during their time spent working in another governmental jurisdiction.
  • To be eligible, people must have an income that is at least equal to the criteria set by the government.

OAS Dual Payment Dates’ details

The Department of the Canada Revenue Agency has provided the dates for the completion of each month of the year 2024. Simply meeting the qualifying requirements is all that is required for the seniors to be eligible for the full range of benefits offered by the program.

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The people will be paid either by a bank transfer or, if that is not possible, using one of the available checks. In most cases, checks will only be sent to the e-mail address of the seniors that was supplied during the application procedure. This will take place on the final three working days of each month.

MonthPayment Dates
JanuaryJanuary 29, 2024
FebruaryFebruary 27, 2024
MarchMarch 26, 2024
AprilApril 26, 2024
MayMay 29, 2024
JuneJune 26, 2024
JulyJuly 29, 2024
AugustAugust 28, 2024
SeptemberSeptember 25, 2024
OctoberOctober 29, 2024
NovemberNovember 27, 2024
DecemberDecember 20, 2024

Where Can I Apply for an Extra Payment of $1,300 and $250 in 2024?

Citizens of Canada are required to undertake a few fundamental actions to apply for the OAS Dual $1300+$250 Extra Payment. These processes are as follows:

Home Page
  • Open the official website of the Canadian government, which may be found at Use your computer or laptop.
  • When you are on the site, scroll down until you locate the perks, and then click on them.
  • When you go to the benefits section, a variety of programs will appear on the screen; locate and choose the Public Pensions option.
  • Now, go to the new website by clicking on the “Access my Services Canada Account” link so that you may access your account.
  • After that, you may either login to your account by using your username or password or you can directly log in by using your email.
  • To apply for Old Age Security, find the link to the application on your site and click on it.
  • On this page, you will then be required to fill out the information that is being asked of you.
  • You must attach all of the necessary paperwork and ensure that you thoroughly examine every detail.
  • Click the “Submit” button after you have completed the verification process, and then wait for the authorities to respond.

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