Canada Dental Benefit 2024-Know Payment, Application Dates & Eligibility Criteria

The benefit has been provided to the people of Canada in the form of financial assistance by the government of Canada. The purpose of the Canada Dental Benefit 2024 is to bring down the cost of dental care for Canadian citizens, and it is intended for families with children who are less than 12 years old. 

It will be determined by the Canada Dental Benefit Eligibility 2024 whether or not you are eligible to receive the payment. The payment date for the Canada Dental Benefit in 2024 is the 30th of June 2024. 

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It is expected that the income of the people will determine the amount of the Dental Benefit 2024. The folks are required to study the whole article to get all of the latest information on the payment that will be delivered shortly.

Canada Dental Benefit 2024

It is a program of the Government of Canada that is known as the Canada Dental Benefit. It is the mission of Canada Dental Benefit to give financial support to qualified Canadians to aid in lowering dental expenditures. The government adopted two benefit periods for this plan: the first one began on October 1, 2022, and ended on June 30, 2023, and the second one began on July 1, 2023, and ended on June 30, 2024.

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Even though all benefit periods provide the same amounts, the eligibility requirements for each of them are somewhat different. These requirements include the birth date of the eligible kid, the tax year, and other factors. This major benefit plan allows families that are qualified to receive payments of up to 650 dollars per year (per kid) if they qualify. You may get further information on the Canadian Dental Benefit by visiting the approved website that the Canadian government maintains.

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Overview of Canada Dental Benefit

NameCanada Dental Benefit
Administered byCanada Health
Payment AdministratorCanada Revenue Agency
Age of ChildUnder 12 years
RequirementsAFNI under 90,000 dollars
Payments (per child)650 dollars per year
Covered CostsDental Care Services
Benefit yearJuly 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024

Benefits for Adults, Seniors, and Children’s Dental Care in Canada

The government intends to make dental benefits available to eligible Canadians, including youngsters and older citizens, by the time the year 2023 runs out. A third-party benefits administrator will be providing assistance to Canada Health, which will be in charge of administering this program, according to the announcement made by the government.

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Canada Dental Benefit

At the same time as the government is making preparations to carry out the CDCP in its entirety, it has initiated the first phase of its plan. The dental treatment of children under the age of 12 who do not have access to private dental insurance is covered throughout this early period. According to the government’s objectives, the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) will be completely implemented by the year 2025.

How to Qualify for Dental Benefits in Canada? Let’s get the details

Families must meet the eligibility requirements established by the government to be eligible for the Canada Dental Benefits. The eligibility prerequisites are as follows:

  • Youngsters should not be older than 12 years old.
  • Without private dental insurance coverage, the youngster does not have access to dental care.
  • The amount of CCB that is now being received for that Child AFNI ought to be less than 90,000 dollars.
  • The tax returns for 2022 must have been submitted.
  • During the period beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, the youngster should get dental treatment in Canada.

Gaining Access to Canada’s Dental Program

Applications for this program may be submitted by eligible Canadians who fulfil all of the conditions to obtain Canada Dental Benefits for their children. These applicants can submit their applications either via CRA MyAccount or by phone.

When it comes to commercial transactions, the typical processing period for payments made via direct deposits might take up to five days. The payments that are received by the mail, on the other hand, might take up to ten days (business). A further point to consider is that the amount of the benefit that the CRA provides is not taxable.

Dental Insurance Amount in Canada

The amount of the Canada Dental Benefit is often determined by elements such as the AFNI, the number of eligible children, and other similar considerations. In addition, the beneficiaries can get an estimate of the amount of the Benefit payment that they are eligible to receive by using the online estimate calculator.

Check the amount –

AFNIFull CustodyShared Custody
below 70,000 dollars650 dollars325 dollars
70,000 dollars to 79,999 dollars390 dollars195 dollars
80,000 dollars to 89,999 dollars260 dollars130 dollars

There is a restriction on eligibility for the Canada Dental Benefits program for those whose household income is more than 90 thousand dollars. If the kid’s dental expenses are more than 650 dollars, the child may be eligible for extra payments that are contingent upon meeting further eligibility requirements.

Step by step application for Dental Benefits Under Canadian Law

Before beginning the application process, applicants are required to have the following information physically present with them:

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  • The complete address for the SIN
  • Full address, name, date of birth, and other information
  • the date of the child’s dental appointment
  • the name, location, and phone number of the dental care provider for the kid
  • if appropriate, the name, address, and phone number of the job’s employer
  • if appropriate, the name, location, and phone number of the spouse’s place of employment

Individuals who have more than one kid who is eligible for the program have the option of applying for all of their children in the same application or using a separate application for each child.

Date of the Canada Dental Benefit

Beginning on July 1st, families in Canada who are eligible to receive benefits may begin the application process for the current benefit period. On top of that, the deadline for applying this big plan is the 30th of June in 2024. Once this deadline has passed, the government will call an end to the time during which applications may be submitted.

In addition, after applications have been submitted, the authorities can request more information for the purpose of further verification. Consequently, applicants should ensure that they have all of the pertinent information with them at all times in case the CRA requests further information.

Home Page

A Dental Benefits Application for Canadians in 2024

  • Launch the website on the device you are using.
  • Locate the link that claims to be the Canada Dental Benefit, and then click on that link.
  • Please check to see whether you are qualified to apply.
  • Additionally, you need to connect in using your CRA Account if you are applying through the online manner.
  • If you are applying using the phone, you need to click on the link that is provided on the website.
  • Should the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) need to verify your eligibility, you are permitted to preserve your dental receipts for six years.

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