Ontario Rent Increase 2024: What is the Expected Rent Increment?

We strongly recommend that you read this post to get all of the necessary information on the Ontario Rent Increase 2024 and the amount of the allowable rent increase in Ontario for the year 2024.

Ontario Rent Increase 2024

To comply with the Ontario Rent Increase 2024, landlords in the province of Ontario who want to increase rent are required to adhere to a set of requirements. Rent increases are allowed once per twelve months, but only if a valid written notice is supplied at least ninety days before the increase is scheduled to take effect.

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During the year, the standards established by the government of Ontario define the maximum amount that a landlord is permitted to increase rent for the vast majority of tenants. Ontario’s Consumer Price Index, which is a measure of inflation, was calculated by Statistics Canada, according to the government, which states that the guideline is based on that figure.

In the following paragraphs, we are going to look over the Ontario Rent Increase 2024 guideline in further depth. In addition to that, we will also talk about the implications that come with breaking the criteria for the rent rise.

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Ontario Rent Increase: Overview Table

Article NameOntario Rent Increase
Regulating BodyGovernment of Ontario
Controlling BoardLandlord and Tenant Board
LawResidential Tenancies Act
Increase percentage for 20242.5%
Canadian Inflation Rate 20245.9%
Increase Period12 months
LTB online portalltb@ontario.ca

Guidelines for Rent Increases in Ontario

A rent increase of 2.5%, as proposed for the year 2024, has been implemented. The yearly rent increase guideline is the maximum amount that your rent may go up without exceeding for the vast majority of renters. The Residential Tenancies Act of 2006 regulates the majority of private residential rental units, and the criteria apply to the majority of those units.

Getting in contact with the Landlord and Tenant Board is something that either a landlord or a tenant may do to determine whether or not a particular unit is excluded from the rent increase guideline.

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Owners of rent-controlled units in Ontario do have the opportunity to apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board to request an increase in the amount that exceeds the guideline. On the other hand, they are required to provide evidence that they have undergone substantial improvements to the rental property, which would necessitate an increase in the amount of rent that is charged.

Ontario Rent Increase

What is the maximum Increase for in Ontario 2024?

The guideline of 2.5 percent for rent increases in 2024 has been maintained by the government of Ontario. According to a press release issued by the government, this is lower than the average inflation rate of 5.9% as indicated in the statement. The Residential Tenancies Act places a limit on the amount that rent may go up, to protect renters from increasing interest rates that might result in higher rent.

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Consider the following scenario to have a better understanding of the amount of rent that will be raised in 2024.

Let’s say that on August 1, 2023, you signed a leasing agreement that said you would pay $1,500 each month. It is recommended that rents be raised by 2.5% in the year 2024. As a consequence of this worth increase equals 2.5% of $1,500 worth

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Therefore, the new rent is equal to $1,500 plus $37.5, which is $1,537.5

A reasonable increase in your monthly rent payment to $1,025.00 is something that your landlord has the right to do twelve months from the day that you signed the lease, which is on August 1, 2024.

Which individuals are affected by the rent increase in Ontario?

The Residential Tenancies Act encompasses around 1.4 million people who are part of the rental population, and the rent increase guideline applies to the great majority of these families. This protects the vast majority of tenants, including those who live in residential care facilities, leased residences, apartment complexes, and communities associated with land leases. Only newly constructed buildings, institutions that provide long-term care and commercial properties are excluded from the restriction.

It does not apply to residential properties that are vacant or that are leased for the first time after November 15, 2018, since this provision does not protect them. Tenant rent increases are neither mandated nor automatic, and landlords are only allowed to implement them after providing tenants with a written notice that is at least ninety days in advance. Additionally, it is required that at least one year has passed since the most recent rent rise or the first day of the contract; whichever comes first.

Violations of the Ontario Rent Increase Order

In addition, a Notice of Rent Increase must be delivered at least ninety days before the increase goes into effect, and the appropriate forms must be used for a rent increase to be considered valid. If you believe that an improper amount has been added to your rent, or inside the event that your landlord has failed to provide you with the necessary notice.

At the Landlord and Tenant Board, you have the opportunity to appeal the charge after the first year has passed after it was issued. A breach of the Residential Tenancies Act, which includes unjust evictions, will result in a maximum penalty of $100,000 for people inside the province and $500,000 for enterprises. This increase is being implemented by the province.

You may learn more about renting in Ontario and your rights as a tenant by visiting the website of the government. The website will provide you with information on protections against evictions that are unlawful or malicious. The website of the government of Ontario is another resource that renters may consult to get information on how to mediate a disagreement with their landlord or with another landlord.

Disputes between renters over rent control: how can I handle them?

If you suggest an increase in rent and a tenant contests it, which is something that occurs most often with renters living in new buildings and expansions, as well as additional units in structures that are already in existence, there are several options available to you. 

You need to provide evidence that the building or addition was first inhabited for residential purposes after November 15, 2018, if you are involved in a dispute about a new structure or addition. It is possible to do this by supplying records such as: 

  • Blueprints, applications for construction permissions, and building permits
  • The documentation from the builder, the documents from the new home warranty, and the occupancy permits

If there are disagreements over new apartments in existing homes, you are required to provide evidence that the new unit was finished after November 15, 2018. In addition, you need to provide evidence that either the unit was constructed in a location that had not been completed before, such as a basement or an attic, or that the owner was residing in a different portion of the property when the new unit was first inhabited.

It is possible to do this by supplying records such as: 

  • the “before and after” images 
  • the building permits
  • the permission applications 
  • the plans papers from the builder or invoices from the contractor

Information Regarding Contacts

If a tenant or landlord breaches a provision of the Residential Tenancies Act, you have the option of contacting the government of Ontario via the online portal to inquire about how they might assist. If you would like more information on the rent increase guideline, you may contact the Landlord and Tenant Board by sending an email to ltb@ontario.ca or by calling the toll-free number 1-888-332-3234.

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