Editorial Policy

At The Daily Chronicle, integrity, accuracy, and transparency guide everything we do. This policy outlines our standards to ensure we deliver high-quality, trustworthy content.

Accuracy and Integrity

  • Fact-Checking: All content undergoes rigorous verification from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.
  • Corrections: Errors are promptly corrected, and corrections are clearly communicated.

Independence and Impartiality

  • Editorial Independence: Content is produced independently, free from external influence, based solely on journalistic merit.
  • Conflict of Interest: Staff disclose potential conflicts to maintain impartiality.


  • Sources: We identify information sources wherever possible while protecting anonymous sources with critical information.
  • Funding: Any funding sources for specific projects or investigations are disclosed.

Respect and Fairness

  • Privacy: We respect individual privacy unless public interest dictates otherwise.
  • Fair Representation: All sides of a story are represented fairly, with opportunities for response.


  • Feedback and Complaints: Audience feedback and complaints are taken seriously, with concerns promptly addressed.
  • Policy Updates: The policy is regularly reviewed and updated to align with best practices.

This policy reflects The Daily Chronicle‘s commitment to upholding the highest standards of journalism and earning the trust of our audience.